westcoast SpineCareClinic

Spinal Decompression Therapy
In the past, a patient suffering from disc problems usually was given pain medications, instructed to refrain from physical activities, referred for physical therapy, and when they weren’t progressing they were sent for spinal surgery. Conservative chiropractic care proved very helpful in many cases, but with the addition of Spinal Decompression Therapy, we were able to add another option to the treatment of certain disc related problems.
Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression Therapy ( also known more simply as Spinal Decompression or SD), is proven to treat back pain and sciatica caused by bulging, herniated, and degenerative discs or facet syndrome. Even post-surgical patients have reported significant pain relief from SD treatments.
Spinal Decompression, not to be confused with traction, gently lengthens and decompresses the spine, creating negative pressures* within the discs. this reversal of pressure creates an intradiscal vacuum that not only takes pressure off of pinched nerves, but helps to reposition bulging discs and pull extruded disc material back into place. Spinal experts believe that nutrients, oxygen, and fluids are drawn into the disc to create a revitalized environment conducive to healing.
While traction, physical therapy and manipulation may reduce disc pressures to as low as +40 mm Hg ( like other pressures found in the body such as blood pressure, intradiscal pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury, mm Hg), only SD has been shown to achieve negative pressures within the spine. It has been clinically proven that SD creates negative pressures as low as -160 mmHg within the injured disc during the treatment session!
The Logarithmic Difference
Normally, pulls exerted on the spine trigger sensory receptors in the back to tighten the muscles surrounding the vertebrae and discs in an effort to protect them from injury, a mechanism in the body known as the proprioceptor response. SD bypasses this response. SD bypasses this response by gently pulling on the spine and relaxing the back over an extended period of time, allowing the spine to be repositioned without tension and without setting off the “lock down” proprioceptor response.
Recently released research by the Mayo Clinic has shown that FDA cleared nonsurgical spinal decompression has an 89% success rate in relieving debilitating back pain including sciatica and herniated discs problems.
Spinal Decompression is used for the treatment of:
Disc Bulge or Herniation
Neck Pain / Radiculopathy (pinched nerve)
Degenerative disc disease
A relapse or failure following surgery
- Effectiveness varies from patient to patient.
You are not a candidate for SD if:
you are pregnant
you have sustained a recent vertebral fracture
you have any retained surgical hardware (titanium rods or fusion cages)
you suffer from severe osteoporosis
you suffer from moderate to severe scoliosis
you have rare conditions such as certain spinal infections and pelvic or
abdominal cancer
“ I tried everything for my herniated disc. After my snowboarding accident, I suffered symptoms from what MRIs showed to be two herniated discs at my L4-L5, and L5-S1 levels. I had trouble sleeping, getting out of bed, sitting or standing for any prolong periods of time. For 7 months I tried everything from medication, to physiotherapist, to chiropractic. Nothing seemed to resolve my problem. I was worried that I would have to get surgery or worst, have this pain for the rest of my life. Finally, my chiropractor referred me to Dr. Lai for Spinal Decompression Therapy. After 7 sessions I was feeling significantly better. By the 11th treatment, I had no significant symptoms. I have since strengthened my core using the SpineForce and have gotten my life back. I even went jet skiing a few weeks ago!”
Steven H.
When Can I Expect Results?
Some patients report an immediate pain reduction after their first few treatments! With herniated and degenerated discs, the escaped nucleus pulposus may be partially retracted back into the disc after just the first few sessions, relieving a great deal of pain. However, pain reduction does not indicate full recovery, and a full recovery is essential to preventing re-injury. This may mean completing up to 20 treatment sessions

Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic care is a branch of the health care system that emphasizes careful evaluation and care of the neuromusculoskeletal system which consist of nerves, joints, and muscles. Care may include specific joint adjustments, stretches, lifestyle counseling, as well as, exercise and rehabilitation programs. Chiropractic focuses on treating the causes of physical problems rather than just the symptoms, without the use of drugs or surgery.
Chiropractic adjustments (joint manipulation) involve gentle movements to areas of the spine, as well as, other joints of the body. These gentle movements often involve a short, controlled thrust. These manual adjustments help restore pain free motion to restricted joints, improve mobility, and relieve pain and stiffness.
Manual stretching and pressure point therapy may be performed on muscles in order to promote relaxation. Various thermal and electrical modalities may also be used to help control pain and reduce inflammation. Exercise programs are usually prescribed in order to help strengthen and condition injured areas. Although effectiveness varies from patient to patient, Spinal manipulation is the most studied treatment for low back pain.
To date 85% of clinical trials have shown that manipulation is more effective than other forms of treatments which include rest, exercise, electrical modalities, and medications. More recently, the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, a division of the US Department of Health and Human Services, declared spinal manipulation as the most effective treatment for acute low back pain.

What Does Kinesio Taping Do? Kinesio Taping gives support and stability to your joints and muscles without affecting circulation and range of motion. It is also used for Preventive Maintenance, Edema, and Pain Management.
The Kinesio Taping Method is applied over muscles to reduce pain and inflammation, relax overused tired muscles, and to support muscles in movement on a 24hr/day basis. It is non-restrictive type taping which allows for full range of motion. Kinesiotaping offers the following unique features:
Kinesio Tape has 140% elasticity, matching that of the skin, giving non-restricted support that allows muscles to perform a full range of motion, easily, and comfortably.
A durable 3 to 4 day wearing period avoids the hassle of applying and removing traditional sports tapes every few hours. It also gives lasting support and pain relief. The unique Kinesio Taping Method structurally lifts the skin and allows the flow of body fluids under the application area, reducing edema, inflammation, and discomfort.
Kinesio Tape has a 100% high grade cotton patented design that enhances comfort and channels out air, sweat, and water to enhance skin breathing.
Kinesio Tape is also durable and latex free.
Massage therapy is manual manipulation of soft body tissues (muscle, connective tissue, tendons and ligaments) to enhance a person’s health and well-being. People seek massage therapy for a variety of reasons – to reduce stress and anxiety, relax muscles, rehabilitate injuries, reduce pain, and promote overall health and wellness.
Massage therapy should be provided by a Registered Massage Therapist (RMT). An RMT is an individual who is registered with the College of Massage Therapists of British Columbia, in accordance with the Regulated Health Professionals Act and the Massage Therapy Act.
FEE Schedule
Chiropractic Therapy
Initial Appointment:
- review of patient history
- physical examination
- explanation of findings and treatment
- joint manipulation therapy (if no other tests need to be
taken and if treatment is not contraindicated)
- soft tissue treatment if appropriate
- stretching if necessary
- icing if necessary
- prescribed exercises if appropriate
20-30 minutes
$90.00 for patients not under premium assistance
$67.00 for patients under premium assistance
$11.00 for patients under an approved ICBC claim
Subsequent Treatment:
- review of symptoms and conditions
- joint manipulation therapy
- soft tissue treatment if appropriate
- stretching if necessary
- icing if necessary
10-15 minutes
$70.00 for patients not under premium assistance
$47.00 for patients under premium assistance
$11.00 for patients under an approved ICBC claim
Spinal Decompression Therapy
Initial Consultation:
- review of patient history, X-rays, CT scans, and/or
MRI reports
- physical examination
- discussion and explanation of findings, and whether decompression treatment would be recommended
- discussion of treatment plan
- biomechanical assessment and joint manipulation if appropriate
30 minutes
$90.00 for patients not under premium assistance
$67.00 for patients under premium assistance
Subsequent Treatment;
- review of symptoms and conditions
- joint manipulation if appropriate
- soft tissue treatment if appropriate
- Spinal Decompression(SD) treatment
- icing
45 minutes
$140.00 for patients not under premium assistance
$117.00 for patients under premium assistance
Kinesio Therapy
Initial Consultation:
- review of patient complaint and history
- physical examination
- kinesio taping
20-30 minutes
Subsequent Treatments:
- review of complaint
- kinesio taping
5-10 minutes
Massage Therapy
30 minute session - $70.00
45 minute session - $100.00
60 minute session - $130.00
75 minute session - $160.00
90 minute session - $190.00
-for patients under premium assistance-
30 minute session - $47.00
45 minute session - $77.00
60 minute session - $107.00
75 minute session - $137.00
90 minute session - $167.00
-for patients under an approved ICBC claim-
User Fee will be $4.00 (Initial Visit)
$5.50 (Subsequent Visits)